Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Things She Says...

While driving in the car with our friend Tajuana....

Amelia:  "Tajuana, where is your little boy?"

Tajuana:  "I don't have a little boy,  I don't have any children."

Amelia:  (of course)  "Why?"

Tajuana:  "Because I'm not a mommy."

Amelia:  "Oh, then what ARE you?"........... Pause.........  "A grandma???"

It is truly fascinating watching a little human's brain develop...incredible really.  The way they piece information together and try to make sense of everything.  It's my absolute favorite part of being a mama.

1 comment:

  1. She is hilarious! I bet you were both busting up. I totally agree, I love kid logic and seeing the world through their eyes.
