Thursday, January 3, 2013

Love for Grandpa

My dad lives 1.2 miles away, a quick drive down only one major street gets us to him or him to us...usually him to us.  He likes to make quick pit stops throughout the day and often joins us for dinner.  Amelia is so used to him coming over that she often says, "Look, Grandpa came home!"  as he pulls up to our house.  Needless to say, she adores him.

Graham loves grandpa too....

We are really lucky to have him so close.
Thank you dad for all you do for our are RAD!   


  1. Great picture of Amelia and Grandpa!

  2. He is RAD. So wonderful how involved he is and how close by he lives. I remember your Dad getting those little license plates for your students. He is a gem!
