Friday, November 30, 2012

The Napping House

I have recently discovered something quite awesome about this adorable boy...

He is a sleeper....yes, a sleeper!

For now at least....

He takes a couple really long naps during the day and sleeps quite well at night.  
I am so not used to this as Amelia was a horrible napper as an infant.  Thinking back, I know it was my fault.  I never gave her the opportunity to develop healthy sleep patterns. We were on the go most days which meant she spent barely any time in her own crib, even for bedtime.  I just assumed that the sleep she was getting in the car, in my arms, or in her stroller on the go was good enough.  I didn't really know any different.

Until Graham...

Graham naps in his crib daily and would probably even sleep there if I didn't move him into his bassinet in our room because I have attachment issues and sleep better when my tiny babies are close.
G is relaxed, comfortable, and completely content.  Watching him sleep...watching both my babies sleep is definitely in my top three most favorite things in the entire world!
As for sister, she is now a champion napper too!  She sleeps anywhere from one and a half to two hours every her bed!  Getting her to this point has not been an easy road considering this is where we were only months ago...

She napped with on me every single day!  As much as I enjoyed it, I was scared that once G arrived, she would no longer nap at all.  Boy, was I wrong.  Sister turned into a napper too!  She always slept well at night but now she naps well too.

So on the not so rare days of late, when they are both napping, I am in pure mommy bliss!  I can do whatever I want while my little sugarplums are both tucked in their beds! 

Today, I got this done...
And boy do these cupboards make me smile!

So, thank you Graham for being such a well rounded baby who so far takes naps on a regular basis.  And, thank you Amelia for adjusting so well to change and learning to nap by yourself in your own bed in your own room!  You both make mama proud!

Today I feel rested and calm and that's a wonderful feeling!

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