Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Things She Says...

While driving in the car with our friend Tajuana....

Amelia:  "Tajuana, where is your little boy?"

Tajuana:  "I don't have a little boy,  I don't have any children."

Amelia:  (of course)  "Why?"

Tajuana:  "Because I'm not a mommy."

Amelia:  "Oh, then what ARE you?"........... Pause.........  "A grandma???"

It is truly fascinating watching a little human's brain develop...incredible really.  The way they piece information together and try to make sense of everything.  It's my absolute favorite part of being a mama.

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Things She Says

As we were driving today and Amelia was looking out the window.

Amelia:  "Mommy, I saw a girl."

Me:  "Oh Yeah??"

Amelia: (after a looooong pause)




"and she was cigaretting!!!"

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A girl and her bike

For Christmas, Grandpa Larry got Amelia this really cool red tricycle.  We brought it outside and to my surprise she knew exactly how to ride it.  After a little practice, she was riding down the sidewalk on her own.  It's really bittersweet watching her ride this and when did my baby girl grow old enough to ride a bike...*tear*
That being said, I look forward to the days that we can ride bikes together as a family and try out all the bike paths our local parks have to offer.
Here Amelia is practicing her bike riding skills in our driveway...she looks pretty serious, right??

She says she's going to let brother stand on the back when he "gets bigger".

Until then, she seems pretty happy riding solo.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Little Food Lover

Amelia didn't have her first taste of solids until she was about six and a half months old.  She had mashed bananas. I assumed Graham would follow her lead and start at about the same time.   Boy, was I wrong!  I have heard that babies will "tell" you when they are ready for food.  I thought this was crazy talk...until I saw my boy in action.  This little guy goes nuts when he sees us eat.  He grabs our plates, steals handfuls of food, knows how to use a spoon, and screams at the top of his lungs when we are eating and he isn't.  I have been giving him small licks of fruit here and there and he loves it!  I even put some fruit in one of those mesh contraptions for him to snack on while we eat....I swore I'd never use one of those!!  Yesterday, he refused to nurse because he was too interested in grabbing at the toast I was eating.  I assume he was trying to tell me something so I headed to the kitchen and mashed up a banana for him.  Big sister wanted in on the action too and together we fed G his first meal....bananas of course.  I have a feeling this guy is going to have quite the appetite!